By Bethany Porter
MTN Sports Reporter
April 4, 2020
Savannah Cox is one of many senior athletes across the country disappointed about her season and other senior activities being potentially cancelled due to COVID-19.
The Warren County Lady Pioneer softball team was expected to do well this season. Cox’s senior softball season only consists of two games so far, and it does not seem like there will be any more.
“I was looking forward to the season because I believed that we could go far this year, and be very competitive during the season,” said Cox.
Along with softball, she is also concerned that COVID-19 will affect her graduation. Her father is the Warren County Director of Schools, Bobby Cox. He hands out diplomas at graduation and shakes the graduate’s hand as they walk across the stage. This is his final year as Director of Schools and he previously handed his older daughter her diploma when she graduated four years ago. If graduation is done differently, or cancelled, he may not be able to give his youngest daughter her diploma.
Cox is worried about how graduation will go, but she feels positive that there will be a graduation eventually.
“We are both a little worried about graduation and prom, both [are] two big things seniors dream of when they get to high school. Neither have been cancelled yet and I don’t think they will be. We will be having a graduation and a prom even if it is June…My dad and I both hope things will not need to be done differently,” said Cox.
Cox is disappointed about how her senior year is working out. Seniors will be potentially missing out on activities they have waited four years for if the pandemic does not improve. Many senior athletes are also missing out on their last chance to play the sport they love.
“COVID-19 has ruined my senior year along with every other senior across the country. These last three months are what we look forward to for basically our whole lives,” said Cox.
She is hoping for things to get better soon, but right now she is wishing she could relive her senior year without COVID-19 affecting it.
“If I could have a repeat of my senior year, I would take it in a heartbeat. I know jealousy is not a good thing, but personally I am jealous of the seniors that got their senior year and the underclassman that will get to do their senior year right,” Cox said.